Tuesday 25 June 2019

Title ideas


This title was chosen because the magazine will focus on a range of genres of music and not just one. This initially would attract more people to the magazine as it opens to a wider range of people with different tastes in music.

font    vogue font downloaded from defont



Front cover ideas for magazine 1 ( first edition )
state that it is first edition
·      mid shot
·      Celebrity who is in mid performance - blurry lights in the back to depict an audience and on stage lighting
·      Bright lighting
·      Background fairly plain, so it is not taking the attention away from the model to give the look of a stage

Front cover ideas for magazine 2

·        2 musicians standing together representing two genres

  •           rap - wearing jewellery and stereotypical rap clouthing 
  •           classical - wearing a black suit
v             simple environment background e.g open field, coloured sky
    Both models back to back, looking down at camera 

   Idea 2 for magazine 2
   musicians in woodland area
   holding instrument
   or close up shot  

Ideas of contents pages

Full image of model over shoulder shot.

Model pointing at contents

 Model wearing black and edited in to grey and black to blend with background

Close up shot

Contents will include a variety of promotions and story titles that relate to musical events and trends.

Holiday suggestions- places with theme parks, nightclubs (for 18 and above age groups), beaches, concerts, festivals. musical equiptment sale

Models will be promoting what they are wearing with small brief description to identify the brand

Social media icons and names in bottom corner 

     Nikon camera
     The photo for the first magazine cover will be shot outside in portrait mode with the focus on the person and the background blurred.

photoshop experiments

Summary of Magazine

My magazine will be aimed towards the music demographic aged between 16 – 24. To address my target audience, I will include models represented to be well known musicians. I want my magazine to not just focus on one specific genre of music, but to include musicians from a variety of different backgrounds to draw in a wider range of people with different interests. I will select different outfits that resemble these people and the genre of music they represent, and the photographs will be taken in a casual and stable location with not much happening in the background, for example, outside too look like they are on stage in mid performance. I will edit my photographs using Adobe Photoshop to enhance the image and make the models the main focus by possibly blurring the backgrounds slightly. 

The front pages will be following a similar layout to “Q magazine” with titles of the content inside the magazine down the side of the pages. The contents will reflect the interests of the music demographic with news on famous musicians, recommendations to festivals and music events, music related products, and the latest releases of new music. The language used in the contents will be mostly formal to suit all categories of people as my target audience will be aimed at those who have a passion for music. My magazine will be called “GENRE” as this magazine doesn’t specify just one genre, it covers multiple. I think this is suitable as a title as it represents the magazine in one word, and it is simple, and relevant.


     For my website i will be using 'WIX' and the overall theme is music so it will include information on artists, musical products for sale e.g. HEADPHONES, sound sound systems.  A dominant colour for the music industry is red for example, the Q magazine website, and the NME magazine website, so my website will follow this and buttons and underlinings will be red. 


GENRE recommender (suggest readers what to listen too this week)
add video of festival from wireless, lewis Capaldi 
"About Wireless" with video next to it
link an Instagram with photos

    Website experiment