Monday 12 November 2018

Music videos media language contrasts

Social realism- it is where the video describes the daily life of people, e.g. poor people or workers

Performance- where the band or performer is just singing to the chosen song, normally for low budget videos. Usually involve clips from previous performances.

Narrative- where it is made to tell a story about the song, which is normally based on the lyrics in the song. Dramatic and climatic narrative can create a powerful and emotional video.

Primarily montage- where the studio in editing gets a series of short shots and puts them into a sequence to condense space, time, and information.

Naturalistic media language- language that gets used out of the classroom and in the natural world. Showing media context that appears in the natural world.

Urban mise en scene- urban is a characteristic of a town or city so with these characteristics it represents the mise en scene being in that type of area. Eg a high populated area normally refers to a town or city.

Postmodernism- bringing two different conventions together so the overall all effect may seem disintegrated to the viewer. Is known as the pick and mix theory as you take little bits of everything and bring it together.

Intertextuality- where one text refers to another. The linkage between texts or discourse events.

Fictional narrative- where the re-creation of life being told by the narrator. When this is included with parallel diegesis it is meant as the narratives time space continuum. Meaning in the video it could resemble a other story.

Linear narratives- follow a straight line in telling a story, it starts at the beginning, moving to the middle, then proceeding to the end.

Expressionism-  artistic style in which the artist seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse within a person. The artist accomplishes this aim through distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy and through the vivid, jarring, violent, or dynamic application of formal elements.

Suburban or small town mise en scene- suburban known as the outlaying district of a city. Characteristics to create this setting for mise en scene.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Representation in Bruno Mars 24k magic music video

In  the Bruno Mars 24K Magic music video it is meant to bring across a message that Bruno Mars is a very successful man with hardly any care of his actions which brings across the representation that Bruno is a player meaning his respect for girls is pretty low, and that he is a baller so he has large amounts of money to low on carless things.

The Bruno Mars 24k magic music video is all about showing off how much money he has and the luxurious life he lives while he doesn’t care what he does as he is shown to be above everyone else. For example, in the video a lot of low angle shots are used to bring across to the audience that Bruno Mars and his friends are on top and they are in command of the whole situation. My point is reinforced from the scene where he is jet skiing on the water of Caesars Palace in Las Vegas with the huge water fountain shooting water upwards to give more dramatic effect in the background. Jet skiing is not allowed on the waters of the hotel which proves my point that he doesn’t care what he does as he has the wealthiness to put up with any consequences. The representation of this when he portrays his audience is that it makes the viewers look up to his wealthy and fun life as he brings across to the audience that he has more privileges and so much more money to spend and waste.

In  the Bruno Mars 24K Magic music video it is meant to bring across a message that Bruno Mars is a very successful man with hardly any care of his actions which brings across the representation that Bruno is a player meaning his respect for girls is pretty low, and that he is a baller so he has large amounts of money to low on carless things.

In the first couple seconds of the music video the first camera shot is an establishing shot that gradually zooms in towards a private jet with a set of luxurious cars waiting outside for Bruno Mars and his friends, while the door of the jet slowly opens to show dramatic effect as the music builds. He then goes on to showing close ups of him putting on his jewellery to show the amount of detail in his pieces to give of his wealth and investment in jewellery, which no doubt is made out of pure gold and diamonds. The video is also called “24k magic” with 24k meaning 24 karat which is relevant to pure gold. Bruno Mars and his friend also seem to be wearing Versace clothing which is a luxurious brand that costs a lot of money. This from an audience’s point of view is showing us that Bruno Mars has a large amount of money to be able to afford all these accessories to show off in his music videos and that all his crew are living the luxuries life along side him when in reality the clothes they are wearing are probably not theirs and the so called crew are really just actors or back up dancers.

24k magic is a song classed as being hip hop and the videos that are produced in today’s society and broadcasted to us as the audience normally contain noticeable similarities. For example, the use of girls dressed in bikinis or outfits in the background that may attract the viewers, along with the showing off of how much money the artist has as they either waste the money on something that isn’t relevant or needed by the performer or the traditional way of showing of money in hip hop videos is the scenes where they throw it away on the ground or destroy it in some way like its nothing to them. This is shown in 24k magic where the group of so called “players” are going through the corridors of a luxurious hotel on mobility scooters throwing money in the air to land on the floor and show no respect for the property. An example of this being similar in other hip-hop videos is a music video released by Chris Brown and Tyga with the song called “Ayo”. In this music video they are also showing off the money they have and in the first couple seconds it shows Chris Brown dumping a lot of money from a crane into his swimming pool to then showing him on a floating golden silk looking mattress in the middle of all this money. This obviously shows the amount of money he has as the money will most likely now be non-useable as they are now wet and have been submerged in water. 
Chris Brown, Tyga - Ayo (Explicit)
Ayo - Chris Brown ft Tyga
Bruno Mars - 24K Magic [Official Video]
24k magic - Bruno Mars


The message behind the “24k magic” music video is for Bruno Mars to show off to all his viewers that he makes a large amount of money and that he can afford to buy all these luxurious items and also afford to blow it on stupid and un-needed things, such as the mobility scooter as we know Bruno Mars does not have any inability to walk. Also, when he throws the money away as if it’s nothing to him he is showing that he doesn’t care which is the message he wants his audience to see to give him that upper hand on being more relevant and wealthier than them, also with showing the unnecessary amount of money in most scenes. The videos mise en scène is constantly filled with luxurious buildings, flashing lights, gold and women which reinforces the message he is bringing across as it shows he lives a bright and exciting life with many people to accompany him and that he gets plenty of girls.

On the front cover of the 24k magic album Bruno Mars is in a matching silk shirt and shorts which alone coasts a lot of money along with some luxurious shoes and then a golden chain and rings. He is slouched in a chair which is giving the vibe that Bruno Mars doesn't care and he is comfortable and cool in how he wants to sit as it is brought across as a lazy but cool look along with is hand doing a sign that looks like he's putting small effort Into which can also be just him showing of his rings and representing that he can do what he wants and he will still get looked up to. 
In a interview he does with " 92.3 AMP radio" he explains his clothing on the front cover and how it was his decision. He says " I want silk shorts, that matches my silk shirt and some white pattern leather shoes". The fact that he hand picked his clothing shows that he himself has a luxurious taste in clothing and that he had it made for him is telling the audience that he is in higher demand as he gets treated like he's better than everyone else and he gets what he wants.

The 24k magic music video has got over 1 Billion views on youtube which has easily refilled the pockets of Bruno Mars from the money Youtube would've given the crew on set. However many viewers disagree with the music video and have left dislikes. One of the possibilities for this is the use of females as sexual objects for the pleasure of male viewers. This is known as the "Male Gaze" which came from a film critic known as Laura Mulvey who invented the term and classified it in three perspectives that of the person behind the camera, of the characters within the representation, and that of the spectator. This Male Gaze is all over the 24k magic music video as the girls in the video are always barley clothed and are always seen to be dancing around men, dancing in the background, in a close up of their backsides, or fantasising over Bruno Mars as he is the main subject of this video. The betrayal of girls isn't all seen in the video as within the lyrics of the song Bruno Mars refers to the girls as to "Bad bitches and ya ugly ass friends". With this line discriminating over actions and image of females it is bringing the message to the audience that he is in charge and commanding the categorised "bad bitches" that this verse is dedicated to them. The use of girls being sexual objects in hip hop videos is very popular as it attracts the attention of male viewers which creates more views on the videos meaning more streams, downloads, and broadcasts which populated the video even more which made the producers, cast, and obviously Bruno Mars very rich.

Overall the music video is all about living the luxurious life full with expensive clothes, jewellery, exotic resorts, and hardly clouthed females showing off there bodies, however this representation of Bruno Mars gives off that he is a very disrespectful man mostly because he doesn't care about his actions towards anyone and anything but the directer of the video would've noticed this effect that it would give off and he has done this as it would bring attention, which means more views, which then means more money. Because its a rare sight to see all the carless acts towards money as not everyones rich it attracts more viewers and in away motivates people to want to have this personality and lifestyle of living the life of the rich and not caring towards anything. 

Friday 28 September 2018

Media Language use of the camera

ELS/Est  shot
ELS/Est shot is a camera shot from a extreme long distance which is done to get the whole focus of the scene in the view of the lens whether thats the whole character or the setting as it wants to show the audience who the person is and what vibe they bring cross which can be from the clothing they wear or the way that they walk. Also by taking this shot of the house with my mum and dad in the window on the bottom left it shows the setting and basic scene.

Long Shot

A long shot is used to get a wide yet clear view of what is happening or what location the shot is giving with a full view of the character to set the scene of showing how the character looks and is represented. The photo I have taken is showing the view of my parents talking from the outside of the house to give a brief understanding of the scene.


A mid-shot is a shot of a person from waste to the top of the head only showing the top half of the figure. This shot helps show the emotion and facial expressions the character is giving and it is creating who ever in the shot the main focus of the scene. This shot is normally taking during a calm scene for example a couple talking which is what I'm showing with the picture I have taken o the right of my mum and dad.

Two Shot
A two shot is where the photo contains two characters in the scene whether thats next to each other or not, along as they're in the same shot and have a clear view of the emotions they are expressing in that scene. These shots are normally taken from knee and up to the head. Two shots are good for establishing a relationship between subjects. Two shots are normally used in interviews to show a relationship between the subjects.

Close up

A close up is where full expression of the face or main subject of the scene is in the full frame and is used to show the emotions or facial expressions the character is experiencing. It gives the audience a feel of what the atmosphere in the scene is through the look of the character weather thats suspense, fear, love, happiness, or sadness.

Point of view

Point of view is a way of showing the audience the view from the character in first person. This gives the audience a more inside view of what the character sees as they carry out activities. In this photo I took I am about to drink an energy drink and the shot is from eye level so it is like what I see as I'm about to drink. The effect this has on the audience is that it makes them feel included in the characters daily life and they get to experience exactly what they'd see.

Extreme close up

An extreme close up is when the camera shot is right up to the object or person to give full effect of the detail whether thats of someones facial expressions or features, or of a object. This puts the main focus of attention on what ever is in the frame at the time. This close up can be trying to show tension emotion or simply be the start or end of a scene by showing the human eye starring into the camera. With the feel of the person starring right into the lens it gives us as the audience the feel as though he is watching us and looking right through us.

Monday 17 September 2018

The Media And Me

Music Videos

In the modern day, music videos have become more and more popular through the internet due to many music artists producing these videos to share to the media such as Youtube. Personally I love watching music videos because it can give a better understanding of the meaning of the song through visuals, and these videos normally bring more attention to the song its-self. I have a strong experience with music videos as I'm always keeping updated to what my favourite artists have produced and friends and famillies I'm sure do the same as they like the videos as good entertainment.
With the media in the modern day music videos can influence a lot weather thats good or bad. For example with the UK scene of Grime music and Drill music becoming more and more popular, it is influencing gang violence and gang wars as it is changing the viewers behaviour in todays society to becoming more aggressive creating dangerous environments for people of that local area e.g. Postcode wars. However music videos can express good vibes about being happy and fighting through the hard times people may experience in daily life. Videos like this can drive motivation for people to get through the days when they're struggling the most, and an example of a video like this would be Pharrel Williams- Happy.
Music videos that express a message to the viewers really stand out to me because it makes me really want to find out exactly what the message means and what each part of the video symbolises. For example Denzel Curry produced a music video named "Clout Cobain" and it has really stood out to me as it is a really strange and confusing video to many viewers, however the message he is trying to send is that he is being controlled by his manager who is the host in the video and he is trying to fight against him and he is the entertainment in the video as it is based around a circus. this circus and performance is a metaphor for what he is experiencing with being controlled. At the end of the video it shows Denzel killing himself which is a reference to a famous singer Kurt Cobain who was a lead singer of an American rock band that committed suicide at the age of 27.



With technology advancing newspapers are becoming less and less popular in todays society as you can access everything you would find on a newspaper on a small hand size device in your own home within seconds of a search. The only experience I have had with newspapers is when I've delivered them to peoples doors early in the morning when I was a paper round boy. Honestly I have never read a newspaper before because I've always been able to access the news with my phone on the internet. The only people I know of the still reads newspapers is my grandad which tells me that the modern day generation is starting to forget about newspapers as their being buried in history by the new technology being made and that the older generation are sticking to what told them the news in their time. To reinforce my point, not one of the houses I delivered papers too had a man or women below the age of 60.
With newspapers their is not a large variety of different sources that prove the information they are giving and you don't choose what news comes in on what day, so why would you purchase a newspaper in todays society when you can get the information you want with many more reliable sources within several clicks of a computer or phone?

The internet

My experience with the internet is extremely strong as it is a daily use for me because of how useful and helpful it is to day to day tasks. There is never a time that someone is not using the internet as it has over millions of different uses, such as shopping, finding different clothing, finding out information, contacting friends, sharing photos and videos with the public, and all this is constantly at your finger tips. However all these helpful uses to the internet do come with a dark side as the internet can be used in many horrible ways. For example, scammers, hackers, bullying, sharing distressing photos and videos, stalking, and creating a dangerous environment for yourself if not careful. The dark web is also a negative of the internet as it is full with illegal and horrible links to terrifying and illegal videos, images and purchases. All my family members use the internet, even my grand parents are getting the hang of it! The internet is increasing rapidly and only getting bigger as the size of it really has no limit. I'd say I have a strong relationship with the internet as it helps me when I'm bored as it has many uses for entertainment, it helps me with school work when I'm struggling by telling me information with many different sources reinforcing this information, and it helps me purchase items and contact multiple friends. While doing all these activities it is almost certain that I'd come across several advertisements and that many will try encourage me to click the links to them to try influence me to sign up to something or to buy a product. These type of advertisements flood the internet and it is almost likely that while using the internet you will come across an advert of some type.


Advertising is common on many devices through out the media, it comes up on the Tv in between shows, websites on the internet, streaming sites and applications (youtube), on social medias, Newspapers, magazines, and a lot more, and it is a way of companies spreading awareness of their products or company names to us as viewers and their are different ways they try influence the audience they are broadcasting too. For example a company such as Puma broadcasted an advert of Kylie Jenner in Puma clothing holding a ball and doing different stretches while also posing at the camera to sell their product to their audience by encouraging them to buy as a celebrity also wears this product is the face of the brand. Kylie Jenner isn't known for her interests in sport, she is known for being pretty who is part of a rich family and is spoilt and sells make up to her fans, not an athlete.
 This is a way companies sell their products as people want to be so similar to their famous role models and get all the stuff they can to try look identical and this can have a negative effect. many newspapers and magazines publish copies of their work with a super fit model on the front page usually with a captions resembling to saying "buy this product and you will look just like this super model". These types of papers can destroy peoples self confidence, especially young girls who can't get the same look as the say so model, and this can influence many different people to do anything possible to look like that person which can be extremely dangerous. With most adverts being broadcasted through the internet they know what kind of adverts to show you as the data they collect can find out your certain interests which then encourages you to buy the item. I have had this experience many times as I've seen shoes I like and have bought them, however some companies and brand you don't see advertised any where and them companies are normally the expensive and luxurious items such as Bugatti and Bentley because the majority of people in todays society won't be able to afford the car so what is the point paying into advertisements. In my opinion I hate adverts because their so annoying and half the time about pointless things I don't need and many of my friends and family agree with me as most people reading this probably do too! I don't really have an interest in many adverts as I either occupy myself by doing something else while their on, or I just
skip them, however I do enjoy the movie trailers as they show the best bits of the film and do indeed make me want to watch the movie even more.


The radio is used very often in todays society to entertain people by giving them audio to listen to along with interviews and updates from the news and weather. Radios have been around for a long time and are still used a lot today, with cars being able to stream the radio station and most devices the radio is accessible nearly everywhere. I don't have a massive amount of experience with the radio as the only time I ever listen to it is in the car and thats if I don't have an aux cord to play my own music of my mobile device, but members of my family such as my mum, sister, grandma and grandad do still listen to it in their spare time. Several radio stations start early in the morning or just never stop as some are 24 hour broadcast, and this can be a good thing as radio stations nowadays try to bring motivation to people to boost their self confidence and get them through the day of work. The radio can bring negative effects as it comes with a lot of controversy as the people who are constantly talking or who may be being interviewed to entertain may have different beliefs and can influence people to believing in the wrong thing or can anger some listeners to then cause them to tune out of that radio station. In my opinion the radio doesn't really entertain me anymore as I commonly use my phone to listen to anything because I can choose what I want to listen too and the. I want to listen to it.

Video games 

With companies introducing Video games a large amount of money is constantly coming in due to the variety of different copies of games that can be bought by millions. In the modern day video games are extremely popular as it is a way of entertainment for all ages with an almost nonstop choice of what game you'd like to play. I do have a console myself, which is a PS4 and it is a good way to spend my free time, however I am not on it as much as a lot of my friends. The longest I could play on my PS4 would be just over an hour but my friends can stay on it from 2-14 hours in a day which I'd certainly find impossible. I also used to have a PS1 when I was very young and seeing the changes in the system since then is crazy! In my opinion I think video games are a great way to interact with your friends through a virtual world and to compete and challenge each other to multiple games, and with technology advancing it will only get better and more fun to play. Besides my friends who have a console and play on them, only my brother plays on the PS4 too and he doesn't even play on it a lot.
Video games come out with ages on the front cover due to what graphics the games shows and if it comes across as violent. Games such as GTA are played by millions under the age limit and it is know as being a bad influence as its based on the real world where you can kill anybody in many ways, commit crimes, and make large amounts of money in game. Some people believe this influence changes the behaviour of who plays it and can effect them in a negative way through their daily life.
Video game companies earn large amounts of money for the amount of copies they sell and they have started releasing add ons to the game known as DLC's. DLC's cost money which goes to the company  and increase their income of money. In todays society tournaments and competitions are being introduced and it is a way of professionals to earn money for a reward of winning.


Nearly everyone in the Uk has or knows of someone owning a TV because their so popular to have in a household as a source of entertainment. Television broadcasts thousands and thousands of shows every second for their millions of viewers. The TV can broadcast nearly anything nowadays such as Live games and events, Music videos, the radio, advertisement, and depending on how advanced the Tv is access to applications such as Youtube, the internet, Netflix, and much more. In my house we have multiple TVs including my own one. I use it normally before bed but besides that I don't use it as much as my mum, dad, or sister would as they like to watch their channels at the time they're played and to watch live events. Ive always been lucky to be able to have a Tv in my home since the day I was born however channels and TVs weren't as good back then as they were less advanced and not a lot of channels to choose from as to the present day. With all different sorts of channels to watch like live, reality shows, cartoon, movies, news, their is a lot that can influence viewers into different views on something such as when the vote for president in the US was the main talk of every channel.


Films are extremely popular all over the world, and they come in many categories with a nonstop supply of them being made and published to digital copy, cinema, and streams. I do love watching films because if you get the right one then their just entertaining to watch as suspense, interest, excitement, sadness, tense all come from one set of moving images. Unless said based on a true story most films are fiction and normally involve something that isn't or hasn't been done on the earth before. These fiction stories are very popular as you get to see what would happen if say an outbreak happened on earth e.g. robots trying to take over the planet and other robots trying to stop it (Transformers). Some big movie industries get a huge budget to be able to pull of massive stunts to make the film more exciting and realistic, for example Micheal Bay is known for his large explosions in his movies which everyone loves to see. When a film is successful the actors and actresses become famous and earn a big following with large amounts of money coming in a sponsors and more movies reach out for them. Everyone in my family has watched a film of some sort and enjoyed it as their friendly for anyone and theirs such a variety to choose from.


Magazines are like modern newspapers that focus more on the less important things in life, like what celebrities are wearing or saying to one another and they are normally full with advertisements trying to persuade the reader to buy. Magazines are known to have some one famous with good looks or a super fit model on the front cover to catch attention of buyers, and this has been known to be a problem as some people who claim to be over weight or not happy with their image have took it as body shaming which can leave to much more threatening problems. I've never really read a magazine because their not my thing and they're normally aimed for females with the amount of beauty products and advert on the pages, however my gran does often read the magazines and it does entertain her when she reads it, but she is the only person I know to still read them. Magazine companies go out of business constantly due to not being eye catching to everyone everyday they're realised however money income is still their as advertisement is involved.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Learning New Skills

I can type in my blog.

I can add an image to my blog.

I can add a video from Youtube by embedding it in my blog.

I can add a hyperlink to my blog CLICK HERE

Media Studies Induction Task

Why study the media Media is everywhere in the modern day and with more technology advancing, media is becoming bigger and much easier to access from all over the planet. Media includes, tv’s, the internet, newspapers, social media’s (Instagram, Facebook, snapchat, twitter) and more. With the use of television and internet we can access all sorts of stuff to know events that are taking place all over the world, for example the news that gets broadcasted daily is a type of media and it gives us updates and information of everything happening. Newspapers we buy from local shops also give us the same information, however ”fake news” has been delivered to readers and listeners before and this is where the news given to us is either twisted or just completely not true. The medias use this as manipulation to people to make them have different beliefs in things, for examples when politicians need votes, newspapers may twist information or use photoshop to persuade people to not vote for that certain candidate. An example of this is where the sun photoshopped a photo of Jeremy Corbyn in a bin with the caption in bold saying “cor-bin” which is a way of trying to manipulate the readers into not voting for him.A news reporter has also been found out for reporting fake news before as she broadcasted her self on tv with police tape in the background and reported a story which then was claimed to not be true and that the scene was staged.With different ways of accessing the media for younger pupils with Instagram and facebooketc, the young pupils can access contact to other people around the world which may be unsafe without parental guidence. With the media expanding the environment of social media may become much more dangerous and unsafe to those in less control of usage.