Friday 28 September 2018

Media Language use of the camera

ELS/Est  shot
ELS/Est shot is a camera shot from a extreme long distance which is done to get the whole focus of the scene in the view of the lens whether thats the whole character or the setting as it wants to show the audience who the person is and what vibe they bring cross which can be from the clothing they wear or the way that they walk. Also by taking this shot of the house with my mum and dad in the window on the bottom left it shows the setting and basic scene.

Long Shot

A long shot is used to get a wide yet clear view of what is happening or what location the shot is giving with a full view of the character to set the scene of showing how the character looks and is represented. The photo I have taken is showing the view of my parents talking from the outside of the house to give a brief understanding of the scene.


A mid-shot is a shot of a person from waste to the top of the head only showing the top half of the figure. This shot helps show the emotion and facial expressions the character is giving and it is creating who ever in the shot the main focus of the scene. This shot is normally taking during a calm scene for example a couple talking which is what I'm showing with the picture I have taken o the right of my mum and dad.

Two Shot
A two shot is where the photo contains two characters in the scene whether thats next to each other or not, along as they're in the same shot and have a clear view of the emotions they are expressing in that scene. These shots are normally taken from knee and up to the head. Two shots are good for establishing a relationship between subjects. Two shots are normally used in interviews to show a relationship between the subjects.

Close up

A close up is where full expression of the face or main subject of the scene is in the full frame and is used to show the emotions or facial expressions the character is experiencing. It gives the audience a feel of what the atmosphere in the scene is through the look of the character weather thats suspense, fear, love, happiness, or sadness.

Point of view

Point of view is a way of showing the audience the view from the character in first person. This gives the audience a more inside view of what the character sees as they carry out activities. In this photo I took I am about to drink an energy drink and the shot is from eye level so it is like what I see as I'm about to drink. The effect this has on the audience is that it makes them feel included in the characters daily life and they get to experience exactly what they'd see.

Extreme close up

An extreme close up is when the camera shot is right up to the object or person to give full effect of the detail whether thats of someones facial expressions or features, or of a object. This puts the main focus of attention on what ever is in the frame at the time. This close up can be trying to show tension emotion or simply be the start or end of a scene by showing the human eye starring into the camera. With the feel of the person starring right into the lens it gives us as the audience the feel as though he is watching us and looking right through us.

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